Readers` Forum


Rights invite obligationsIt is not human right what the US President or the US Congress defines. But it is what the political philosophers like Kant, Laski, Locke, Rousseau, Plamentaz, Burke, Holland and others have said. Laski says, “A state is known by the rights it maintains.” Rights are not unlimited. They are to be used by every citizen taking into account the rights of others. They are based on the use of intelligence and good behaviour. None has the right to infringe upon the rights of others and to spread evils in the society.Human rights are generally based on religion, justice and customs and traditions and, therefore, do not depend upon the mercy of the state. Herbert Spencer is of the opinion that the state guarantees only the security of these rights. It does not create rights.But unfortunately rights are misused in our country. It is done either through ignorance, or deliberately. Ignorance is a curse because it leads to chaos and confusion in the society. Noor-ul-Alam KhanDhanmondi
