Readers’ Forum


Save Hockey

The future of the country’s hockey appears quite uncertain, as four leading clubs have threatened of boycotting the Senior Division Hockey League if Bangladesh Hockey Federation’s general secretary does not resign his post. In this situation, when some officials are working for reconciliation, few others hinted of starting the league with remaining clubs.
Bangladesh could have been a respectable hockey team in Asia had the Ministry of Sports and the BHF taken initiative. But chaos in the federation, rift between the country’s hockey governing body and the several leading clubs, absence of international hockey tournament for years, irregularity in organizing Senior Division Hockey League and apathy to reform the federation itself have been identified as stumbling blocks.
In this situation, we demand intervention by the Ministry of Sports to start the league in no loss of time and immediately after that an international club hockey tournament with teams from Australia, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Adequate advertisement, live telecast of the tournament matches and financial supports will surely make the competition lively.
Now will the Sports Ministry rise to the occassion.
Ameer Hamzah
Bacteria in water

Water supplied at South Goran in Dhaka city contains bacteria, mud, sands and insects. Perhaps, the WASA has not either sincerity to think about the city dwellers’ health matter or does not have technological strength to clean the water, which we drink and use for washing crockery.
The water is so dirty that we cover the tap with the three tiers of cloths and then store it in jars and pots (patil) and then boil the water in order to free it from germs. The question is: Do all bacteria die?
I raised the issue of muddy water with my house owner. He advised me for talking with WASA. Now may I request the WASA administration to take care of our health?
Interestingly, access to safe drinking water is a basic right which, we think, WASA Bosses also know but unable to supply it as their assigned duties.
A Citizen
