Readers’ Forum

Free National University from session jam 
We are students of National University – the biggest university of Bangladesh. We are sorry to say that here we are used to enjoy less opportunities than the students of most other public and private universities in our country. It is a matter of concern for us. Every government of Bangladesh has shown deep interest in secondary and higher secondary lavel education but it seems they have no concern for National University. Some times, we think that they have forgotten about the so-called biggest university.
To keep pace with the ongoing technology based world, Bangladesh needs huge number of talented and educated young people. As the NU is the main source of it, it is time to give proper attention to ensure a modern educational environment in all institutions under National University. Late publishing of result is, in fact, killing the most valuable time of thousands of students every year which is one of the major obstacles in developing our country. We want to work hard for the development for the country and take the open challenge of 21st century. 
So, we request to the Education Minister to rectify the old systems of National University and free us from the corrosive secession jam which will be the best gift for us and for the nation.
Bipul, Saiful, Mijan & Mamun
Students of English Department
Dhaka College, Dhaka