Readers’ Forum


Criminality breeds when
social impactness wanes

From the recent killing and torture of women and children, it is evident that ethics and morality and social values have totally disappeared from the society for which we were once proud of. No sooner had the blood of unfortunate Rajon of Sylhet dried up, the people of Bangladesh witnessed yet another appalling death in Khulna on Monday night. In the latest heart-rending incident, some men like beasts viciously tortured a 12-year old boy named Raquib to death in Khulna. There was none to respond to his appeal, “O mankind! Save my soul. Some men like beasts are killing me cruelly.”
We do not know whether the killers will be crucified or hanged or shot dead, but we know if the State takes initiative, no guilty can escape punishment. We also know from the Quran that every person guilty of committing brute crimes of a sort will be appropriately and justly punished in the life Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said that Allah will try murderers first. He also said, “No murderer can escape punishment in the Hereafter.”
We read in Verse No. 32 of Surah Al Ma’idah that whoso kills an innocent, as if he kills the whole mankind. And whoso saves life of an innocent, as if he saves life of the whole mankind. It is, therefore, true that all the killers throughout the world will be cast into the abyss of the hell-fire, which Allah prepared for them.
But the question is how to inculcate ethics and morality in our social mosaic? For this what we need most is to impart value-based education as enshrined in our major religions — be that Hinduism, Christianity or Islam (that preaches Monotheism). Further, we are to revive the earlier effective social control mechanism in our community living. Failure will only make the society more disunited, individualistic and promote people’s involvement in more brute acts of crimes of all sorts.
The society must come forward to help itself first and then induce the State to pursue the rule of law.

Ahmed Yussuf Chowdhury
