Readers’ Forum


The new planet found

The NASA scientists have very recently discovered a new planet like our earth about 1400 light years away (speed of light is 1, 86,000 miles per second). There may be more planets like this in the universe, claimed the scientists.
We shall not disagree with the statement, because it has support in the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Fatihah, Verse No.1. The Text of the verse is: All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Allah has made our earth habitable. He says in Verse No. 15, Surah Al-Mulk, “He it is Who made the earth habitable for you. Therefore, go about the spacious sides thereof and eat of His sustenance. And to Him is the return.”
For years, scientists have been claiming there is life on other planet(s) although they have not yet been able to get the proof thereto. Allah says in Verse No. 29 of Surah 42, “And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and what He has spread forth in both of them of living beings. And when He pleases, He is All-Powerful to gather them together.” Commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali says that life in some form or the other is scattered through some of the millions of the heavenly bodies scattered through space. Life generally is that which science calls protoplasm.
Allah has created not only human beings, but also Jinn and Angels. We cannot see them, but they see us. We do not know also where Jinn live in, but we know from Hadith-e-Qudsi that Angels live in both heavens and earth. They (Angels) execute orders of Allah instantly. There are two Angels with every human man for recording his every moment’s action ¾ good or bad in actions and manifestations ¾, and to produce him to Allah for trial on the Day of Resurrection. The Holy Quran repeatedly pointed out that Allah, by His own mercy/will has created ‘Man and Jin and all that exists’ in the world. Thus the discovery of the new planet is simply locating one more deed of creation of Allah.
We believe in both the Quran and the science. Every one should do it.
Ameer Hamzah
