Readers’ Forum


Is this signal of friendship!

We have become numb with shock and dismay by the news that Amiya Ghosh, the BSF Jawan who brutally shot and killed Felani, a fifteen year old girl in the Indo-Bangla border in January 2011 has been acquitted again of the charge though he himself admitted of the shooting. How could it be possible, how could the Indian government allow this?
Is it BSF’s favourite pastime to beat the boredom of guarding the border and Indian government looking on indulgently ?
In the last five months 15 people have been killed in BSF firing, eight tortured and 38 others have been injured. It is estimated that one Bangladeshi is being killed by shooting in every four days. What sort of message is India sending to us, is it a sample of their so-called friendship?

Nur Jahan
