Readers’ Forum


Save our heritage

The photo on the front page of an English daily of June 26, 2015 showing a portion of the boundary wall of the Mughal-era Lalbagh Fort in the capital has been knocked down to make way for a car park made me stunned with disbelief .It is our heritage site how could this happen ignoring the law and public outcry? The government must immediately stop it and re- construct the boundary wall as it was.
It is a matter of great shame that heritage sites of our country are not getting due importance, if these are left unprotected and without proper care one day those will become heaps of ruins. There are many Historical sites in Bangladesh if steps are not taken on urgent basis those will be razed to the ground and our historical past will be buried with it. There is no time to be lost preservation of heritage sites must start now we hope concerned authorities will take proper actions without delay.

Nur Jahan
