Readers’ Forum


Deploy matching-power at borders

It is said that might commands both fear and respect. The nation which has military power compels the weaker nations to yield to the given conditions. Myanmar did not fire a single bullet to stop the Indian military expedition into its territory recently. It is because the Myanmar government knew it well that New Delhi had ability to land in the country’s capital because of might. This is one part.
Last week, Myanmar Border Police injured one BGB member and abducted another. It is not the single incident, but one among many. The Myanmar government knows it well that Bangladesh has not enough strength to strike that country. In view of this, we suggest that Bangladesh should be militarily really strong in the South and the South East Asia.
New Delhi swept 10 to 12 miles into the Myanmar territory without resistance. But it is not possible on the Western border. We have seen the Indian BSF and the Pakistan Rangers to exchange fire time and again, casualties on both the sides being equal. But what will happen if Indian forces mistakenly cross the Sino-Indian border? Surely, the result will be sour.
China is now devouring the whole of the South China Sea because it has potentials and technology. But will the USA watch it silently from the safe distance? If the USA use military powers to stop China, will the world witness the devastating 3rd World War?
We cannot say, but we want our country to become militarily strong enough so that no body dares to eye at or across our border. One needs matching power to deter others from venture aggression.

Ahmed Khaled
