Readers’ Forum


Wars in Middle-East!

Right now, blood flows unabated through the deserts in the Middle-East when thousands of poor Muslims in search of jobs in the south are aboard the ferry of death at sea. These people do not know where their ferry will anchor.
.Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Jordan are bombing civil and commercial establishments and killing innocent Muslims of Yemen, while several armed groups viz. al Qaeda, ISIL, Boko Haraam, Al Shabab, Taliban militia, Sipahi Sahaba, Al Nusra Front and Hakkani network are destabilizing the integrity of Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria.
We read in the holy Quran, Surah Baqarah, Verse No. 191: Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loves not aggressors.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) has banned the killing of the children, the women, the old, the priest, the disable, the unarmed, and the destruction of the civil and commercial establishments, even at war.
What is going in the Middle-East is nothing but suicidal wars.

Ameer Hamzah
