Readers’ Forum

Whom to trust :
Why should anybody vote for BNP? After all it was BNP-Jamat agitation that left nearly a hundred dead and several hundred injured from petrol bombs thrown into running buses. How can people forget about the months of destructive oborodh and now almost fully abandoned but nevertheless disrupting hartals?
These are the questions being raised from the people in power, seconded by the loyalist media persons/establishments. Impartial observers say, it’s their well-calculated propaganda stands.  
The government fixed the election time calculating that people must have become fed up with the twenty-party alliance and flock to the polling stations to cast votes in their favour. But the case is not like that, though people had to face inconvenience they tolerated it to get their voting rights back, they wanted democracy to be established.
We are baffled by the governments behaviour, when they were sure that people will reject BNP-Jamat candidates then why activists of ruling party took control of the polling booths and stuffed the ballot boxes with stamped ballot papers with the help of the police and other law-enforcing agents ?
The simple answer to all those hard calculations is ¾ people do not want to remain vote-less or loose their basic right to vote in choosing their representatives whom they can trust to run the affairs of the state.
 Nur Jahan