Readers’ Forum


We need a library in the college hostel

A library is a store house of knowledge. It contributes to the making of good citizens of a country. The role of a library is important in life-long education, training planning, conducting research, policy making planning and acquiring knowledge. Library satisfies our intellectual needs and plays an important role in the cultivation and transfer of knowledge.
The Dhaka Govt. Teachers’ Training College has a library with some rare books. But the students who stay in the hostels badly in need of a library. If there is a library in the college hostel, they will be able to use the library even at night. Though, there was a library in the college hostel in the past but it is not known why it was closed. The reasons could be want of sufficient fund or something else. Whatever is the reason; it should not have been closed.
We, the current students, would like to request the Principal to think about re-setting libraries in the college hostels. Probably that is not out of his ability. One or two rooms of the hostels can be used as a library and some useful books, magazines, research journals, daily newspapers, and some computers can be put for students’ use. The present Principal Professor Swapan Kumar Dhali is an educationist and an honest administrator. He knows what education is and how a learner learns. He has got some books published for the B.Ed students of the country. Probably he would understand our problems and take necessary actions to solve them.
Humayun Kabir
Govt. Teachers’ Training College, Dhaka.
email: [email protected])
