Readers’ Forum


Unprovoked killings

The Texas Police in the USA killed two unarmed Americans on the Sunday evening unprovoked. They were simply protesting against an art exhibition with the imaginary photos of the Prophet Muhammad (SM). The Police acted as per law, claimed an official hand out.
About the Prophet Muhammad (SM), a historian said: If anybody in this world has known God, if anybody in this world has done good to mankind, he is Muhammad. Historian Hale said: Muhammad was such a noble personality in absence of whom the world would have remained incomplete.
Baltimore Police who killed a non-white American last week without any reason. Protest against Baltimore killing violently spreading in other cities like New York and Washington, the State Government was compelled to dismiss six police personnel temporarily and to start prosecution. Police say it appeared that the slain American was looking dangerous and that is why he was shot at.
We cannot understand what provoked the organizers to hold such an art exhibition as spread chaos, and infringed upon the rights of people of other communities. We shall again ask the US Government, the members of the Congress and the US Police to read Political Science so that they can reform themselves to save the USA from eventual destruction.
Peter Rozario
