Readers’ Forum


Limits of rights

The governments of the some western countries, and the ex-Marxists of our country often clamour that human rights are violated in Bangladesh. They cry mostly for irrelevant reasons. The most surprising thing is that the countries to which the ex-Marxists had ideological allegiance constitutionally banned all kinds of socio-political and economic rights.
We know that the governments of the US, the UK, France and the few other European States have recognised sodomy as human rights. In fact sodomy is the most heinous crime in the world. That is why, we hate it, abhor it, kick it.
Rights are not unlimited. They are to be used taking into account the rights of others. They are based on the use of intelligence and good behaviour.
None has the right to spread evils and chaos in the society.
Nobody can claim his right if it harms the general interests of the society. Rights should not be vague, but definite in order to prevent quarrels among the members of the public.
The State (unlike the USA and her allies) does not create rights. Religion is one of the major sources of rights. Human rights are generally based on religion, justice, customs and traditions. Political Philosopher Herbert Spencer said, the State guarantees only the security of rights. It does not create rights. Harold Laski in his famous book ‘Grammar of Politics’, said, the State does not create rights-{Reference: Political Theory (Principles of Political Science) by R.C. Agarwal, printed in New Delhi, India at pages No. 181, 183, 184 and 185}. Now we are sure that the ex-Marxists of our country and the governments of the western countries will realise their mistakes about jurisdiction of human rights and take measures accordingly.
Ameer Hamzah
