Readers’ Forum


Yemen crisis deepening

The United States of America instead of resolving regional and international crises keeps those alive and thereby pursues that famous British policy “Divide and Rule.” For example, the White House has warned Iran against reinforcement to the Shiite Militia, whereas it itself has been supplying arms and ammunitions to the ousted President Hadi forces, Al Qaeda Militia and Saudi Arabia led joint forces, who are undoubtedly Sunni.
None of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria has borders with Yemen. It is therefore at all not possible for them to supply arms and ammunitions to Yemen. If any state does, it will be a secret deal, which Iran is unable to deal.
What we think is that all foreign forces must be withdrawn from Yemen to pave the way for free and fair polls to decide the future President of that country.
Yemen has been in a state of political crisis since 2011. In January 2011, a series of street protests began against poverty, unemployment, corruption and former president Saleh’s plan to amend Yemen’s constitution and eliminate presidential term limit, in effect making him president for life. He was also grooming his eldest son Ahmed Saleh, the commander of the Republican Guard to succeed him.
Should the UNO be neutral and arrange polls, bloodshed can be stopped.

Ameer Hamzah
