Readers’ Forum


Promoting peace

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia obtained bails on two graft cases on Sunday and returned to her residence at Gulshan after three months, but she has not ceased from hartal and blockade though in reality there is no sign thereof.
The government has instructed the Election Commission to go ahead with the Dhaka and Chittagong city corporation elections. If there is no change of date, the voters will exercise their franchise on April 28. The party in power speaks of free and fair election, but arrests of the opposition parties’ leaders and workers continue.
There is speculation as to whether the ruling Awami League and the BNP have reached some sort of consensus to rescue the country from the state of uncertainty. Frankly speaking, if there is any consensus, there is no wrong. In this regard, may I take the opportunity to remind all a quotation of a British prime minister that in politics, there is no permanent friend and no permanent foe, but there is permanent interest. Right at the moment, the most important interest is peace.
The civilians who died from burn injuries in last three months and before, and those innocent people who are tortured to death can only describe the horror of the deadly moments. There is no doubt that we shall forget them gradually, as we forgot our genuine patriots who out of love of Bangladesh laid down their lives, became crippled.
We want peace. We do not like disorder and chaos in the society. We watched a famous movie many days ago. The title is “All quiet on the western front.” Likewise, we want a movie titled, “All quiet on Bangladesh.” Mutual understanding between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia can make it.
Abdullah Akber
