Readers’ Forum

Poor Football Show :
Bangladesh Youth Football team cut a very sorry figure in the AFC U-23 Championship Qualifiers concluded in Dhaka on Tuesday. The hosts could secure just one point in three matches compared with the eventual champions Syria (nine points), runners-up Uzbekistan (six points) and eliminated India (one point). Their goal average is: Syria +9, Uzbekistan +5, India -6 and Bangladesh -8.
If the first part of the tournament is the hosts’ dismal performance, then the second part is the empty stadium. We know that the football stadiums during the friendly internationals with Sri Lanka and the Bangabandhu Gold Cup International Football Tournament were jam-packed in Dhaka, Sylhet and Jessore. Then what are the reasons of the stadium becoming deserted during the just concluded AFC U-23 Championship?
May we demand a clarification from the Bangladesh Football Federation.

Khairul Kabir

Dismal road condition

Part of the R.K.Mission Road near the Gopibagh Jame Mashjid has been rugged and rough, needing urgent repairing. We do not demand any explanation from the Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) for the dismal condition of the road, but we need repairing only, as thousands of people use this road everyday.
Will the DSCC respond to our request?


A Resident
Gopibagh, Dhaka

ICC failed to draw audiences

The International Cricket Council (ICC) has claimed the just concluded Cricket World Cup as a great success. Such claim is nothing but a mockery with the truth. The stadiums looked almost desert on most of the days, showing crowd’s aversion to the foreign teams except India, which took part in the one and a half months long competition held in Australia and New Zealand.
Rather greater number of audiences watched the Asia Cup Football Championship matches in January, exposing the hosts Aussies people’s passion for soccer.

Ameer Hamzah
