Readers’ Forum


Stop them once for all

ISIL has been carrying out devastations in the name of religion in the Middle-East for months together. The latest of such killings took place on Friday in Sanna, capital of Yemen that claimed lives of 142 innocent people. They together with thousands of other Muslims gathered in the Mosques for Friday congregation.
The Muslims throughout the world do it on Friday noon because it is the Ordinance of Allah and The Prophet Muhammad (SM). But the ISIL instead of adhering to the Islamic principles carried out devastation in two Mosques to kill innocent people.
Now may I ask the leaders of ISIL and all other militant organizations to read the Verse No. 32 of Surah Ma Idah of Al-Quran in order that they will reform themselves so that blood of any innocent man does not flow in any part of the world? The Text is: Whosoever kills a human being for other than man slaughter or corruption, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.
What appears to me is that they (ISIL) have not been able to take the substance from the Quran. It is because their hearts are not pure. The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said: Al-Quran enters the heart of one as much as it (his heart) is pure.

Ameer Hamzah
