Readers’ Forum


Labour attaches in Missions

The observation of migration experts that Bangladesh missions abroad need experienced and proactive officers as labour attaches who will be tasked to resolve problems of workers in the host countries is justifiable.
One may recall that earlier many untrained Bangladeshi workers, especially employed in West Asian countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, etc, returned home empty-handed on more than one occasions.
Observations were then that most of the Bangladeshi workers lacked education and training to cope with an adverse situation in an unknown land. It should be noted that most of such people strive hard to scrape together the amount required to meet the expense of migration, selling their landed property and even homesteads. But as they have no other options they come back empty-handed and end up as paupers after losing everything in their bid to get overseas jobs.
The incumbents need to heed the opinion of experts about the appointment of proactive labour attaches abroad to look into the issues of workers, take effective steps to streamline labour migration process and ensure that the development of human resources for overseas employment is carried out properly.

Masud Iqbal
