Readers’ Forum


Cricket diplomacy

Indian Prime Minister Norendra Modi has wished good luck to the national cricket teams of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka taking part in the ICC World Cup Cricket 2015 underway in Australia and New Zealand simultaneously. International observers are considering it as cricket diplomacy to improve the bilateral relations with these three countries..
The Indian PM’s phones to the PMs of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka reminds us of the famous Ping Pong diplomacy initiated in 1971, which removed all the barriers on the way to the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and the USA, and China’s becoming the permanent member of the UN Security Council.
Likewise we want to see the translation of the cricket diplomacy into reality. The first one will be the stoppage of the unabated killing of the Bangladeshi nationals on the international borders, and second one should be to assure the Indian Muslims that they are secure against the fanatic Hindus. In this connection we shall also advise the Imam of the Delhi Shahi Jame Mashjid not to involve into politics during the national and the local elections.
However, we shall congratulate PM for his project to sail into the new era.
Abdullah Akber
Simply shameful

A suicide bomb attack into a Peshawar mosque killed about 22 people and injured nearly 50 on Friday. Thousands of Muslims gathered there for Friday Congregation. The killing is horrendous and at the same time is a challenge to Islam, mankind and human civilization. A militant organization, Tehrik-e-Taliban (TT), has claimed the responsibility loudly and shamefully.
Now I challenge the leaders of the organization to produce a single Ayat (verse) from the Holy Quran in support of their actions like it that the killing of the innocent people and attack on the worshipping centers are lawful. If they are unable, should they leave the organization, fold the TT into a bottle and face the trial for justice? I am giving the similar challenge to all militant organizations of the world, including the ISIS and the Boko Haraam.
I shall wait for their replies through this column.
Ameer Hamzah
