Readers’ Forum


Fight against health inequality

On December 12, 2014, the first ever Universal Health Coverage Day was observed throughout the world. The United Nations in its 67th General Assembly unanimously endorsed Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as an important step in the global fight against health inequity and poverty.
It has been accepted universally that health is a human right and a cornerstone of sustainable development and global security. Universal Health Coverage means that every person, everywhere, has access to health care without financial hardship. Access to quality health care should never depend on where one lives, how much money one has or one’s race, gender or age. So it implies that health care and treatment facilities of one country should be shared with another country ignoring geographical or political borders in the greater welfare of the global human community.
Let all the countries of the world form a global coalition and work together in accomplishing the goal of Universal Health Coverage mission.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
