Readers’ Forum


Say ‘no’ to Rampal plant

The government must forget once and for all to build a coal fired power plant at Rampal .In the weekly magazine of the Daily Star of September27, 2013 an article ” How to kill a forest ” was published.
Dr. Abdullah Harun, professor of Khulna University revealed in it that impacts of most coal-fired power plants are ” negative and irreversible, which cannot be mitigated in any way” .
The researcher believes that the selected area is not suitable for any type of coal – based power plant.
National Committee to protect oil, gas, mineral resources, power and ports arranged long marches in protest of the government’s plan to set up a power plant at Rampal and people from all walks of life are against it because it will destroy Sunderbans.
Now by the callous behaviour of the shipping ministry the heritage site is facing real danger, people will not allow more harm to the Sunderbans. So the government must refrain from taking any self-destructive decision.

Nur Jahan
