Readers’ Forum


Queer politics

Once the Pro-Chinese Communist Party (CPM) and the Congress being sure of their defeats in the next West Bengal Legislative Assembly election are now turning to the BJP to unseat the Trinamul Congress. We do not know what will happen finally, as few unexpected developments have also gone against Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. It is really a queer politics that the left communists and Congress are wedding BJP in the Indian State of West Bengal.
However, there is a speculation that the ultra-left communists may work for her in order to check the takeover of West Bengal government by the BJP, an extreme rightwing religion based political party.

Abdullah Akber


Strange format

Though Pakistan lost all the group matches in the 35th Champions Cup Hockey underway in India, they qualified for the quarterfinals, which have questioned the genuineness of the format. In the quarterfinals, Pakistan surprised Group ‘A’ Champions Holland comfortably by 4-2 and sailed into the semifinals.
India also did not do well at the group stage. They finished third and yet cruised into the quarterfinals and went on to beat Belgium by the identical margin. A strange format is indeed. Will the Federation of the International Hockey reconsider such type of strange format?

Khurshida Haque
