Readers’ Forum


Matter of inner peace

Recently I visited a Hindu temple. There I met an eighty-nine-year-old man who was speaking with some youngsters. The place was crowded with devotees. The words and the crystal clear voice of that man attracted me. I went to him and asked, “How’s your day?” He replied, “O my son! Bhagwan (God) knows. He sent me here once and will take me back one day. I have many siblings but they are staying away from me. I cannot do any heavy work to earn my bread. I am grateful to this temple.” I asked him if he had any message for the new generation. “Young people should be strong and stout both physically and mentally and should not give up till their goal is achieved,” he said. This made me think about life in a new way.
This old man has been abandoned by his near and dear ones but he is at peace. His philosophy of life can be a guideline for many of us to lead a simple and peaceful life.

Bipul K Debnath
Dept. of English, Dhaka College
