Readers’ Forum


The good sense prevails

Hectic debate continues as to what should be the marriage age of a bride and bridegroom? A circle within the government pleaded for 16 for brides and 18 for bridegrooms. The unwise suggestion sparkled strong criticism in the society. Critics say that it would simply encourage child marriage.
Some opined that the marriage age should be 21 for both bride and bridegroom. This is illogical from the biological point of view. Another circle suggests 21 for male and 18 for female. It seems most realistic.
Record says that the age of Hazrat Muhammad (SM)’s youngest daughter Hazrat Fatima (AS) was 18 and that of Hazrat Ali (AS) was 21 at the time of their marriage. It transpires that the Prophet did not encourage child marriage. He said, no marriage is legal unless the bride gives consent and no girl should be forced to marrtiage. But unfortunately, we do not care of their sanction.
In fact, the religious orthodoxy of Satan Hinduism on girls’ marriage is the root cause of this social injustice which has subjected tens of thousands of females to injustices of all kinds. Sadly, there is no initiative in the country to give them back their rights. The good news is that the government has backtracked from its attempt to refix the child marriage age amending the rule(s). Thanks, that the good sense prevails.

Ameer Hamzah
