Readers’ Forum


Brazil makes a comeback

The reformed Brazilian footballers have shown the world how to return with a bang from the ashes of the World Cup catastrophe at home. Four consecutive wins in four international friendly matches against Ecuador, Columbia, Argentina and Japan are verily the signs of amazing soccer.
I feared during the proceedings of the 20th edition of the World Cup Football in July that Brazil might disappear as a soccer nation if they were eliminated. The seven-zero drubbing by Germany convulsed the soccer world and the apprehension began to surface.
But Dunga in his second term as the Brazil’s coach has brought back splendid ball control, footwork, scoring abilities and conscientious which were not found in last several years. In addition, Neymar and other footballers applied Spain’s Tiki-taka technique every so often. For example, in the match against Japan, there were 28 passes on single occasion before they scored a goal.
However, their abilities will be soon tasted in Europe. If the flow continues, soccer will surely get new life all over the world.

Abdullah Akber

The art of living

The following saying is full of wisdom. I want to share it with the readers as it is enlightening–
Wise folk provide for future need,
Such thrift we all commend,
But only they are rich indeed
With other wealth to spend–
Yield rich returns, and these
Are free .

Nur Jahan