Readers’ Forum


Protests in Hong Kong

Storm is brewing in the Chinese autonomous region of Hong Kong because the Communist Party of China wants to impose administration on the region against the opinion of its people.
In July of 1997, the British (via a long-standing agreement) officially returned control of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China, and it became a Special Administrative Region (or SAR) of China.
In the exchange, China agreed that until 2047, Hong Kong (as is), would enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters, except foreign and defense.
On the north is China mainland, in the south is South China Sea, on the east is Mirs Bay and on the west is Deep Bay.
Hong Kong has an area of 1,104 kilometers and population 7.16 million. The economy of Hong Kong is rich, the GDP being US$ 263 billion. The rank is 37 according to the World Bank.
China will not let Hong Kong slip much the western countries send advice and materials from across the ocean.
We suggest a Scotland like referendum to decided the future of Hong Kong in order that the island shall be ruled by its own people-neither western nor eastern.
M. Rabbani
