Readers’ Forum


High occupational hazardsThere is no doubt that journalism is a very noble profession because the journalists try to reach authentic information and news to every corner of the world. But the task is not as easy as people of other professions think. There are hindrances and obstructions in every step. The journalists surely work hard; contact sources of news, even move to battlefields and weather all kinds of difficulties. While doing these, they need State support. Sometimes they get and sometimes not. But it appears that the appreciation is little. Rather, the journalists are often scolded and physically assaulted, and receive life, jail and punishment threats from the vested quarters.Freedom of expression and publication are constitutionally guaranteed in every country of the world provided the right so granted at the time of exercising does not hurt the religious sentiment and the State interest. The journalists should not base their stories and reports on hallucination and conjecture because that will mislead readers. If any one infringes upon the rights of others, the State holds the authority to intervene and save the aggrieved person(s). On the other hand, when the government of a country itself does what the Egyptian government does, it is really difficult to perform the job of journalism.What we feel that the government and the journalists should cooperate with each other so that we can know the exact story and that nothing is hidden.

Peter Rozario
