Readers’ Forum


 Rights and duties

A State is known by the rights it maintains, says Professor Harold Laski. The state ought to guarantee to individuals the enjoyment of a certain number of basic human rights which are essential for a pure and fair life. Rights are, according to Hobbs, what we may expect from others and others from us, and all genuine rights are conditions f social welfare. The definition reminds us of ‘live and let live’ of Islami concept of right.
Thus, the rights which any one may claim are partly those that are essential to every man in order to be a rational human being, and partly those which are necessary for the fulfillment of the function to be edexpect from him.
1.Harold Laski said, Rights are those conditions of social life, without which no man can seek to be himself at his best.
2, Rights are reasonable claim to freedom in the exercise of certain conditions-Wilde. Rights are what we expect from others and others from us, and all genuine rights are conditions of social welfare.
However, rights are not unlimited. They are to be used by every citizen taking into account the rights of others. They are based on the use of intelligence and good behaviour. None has the rights to spread evils in the society and harms others’ rights. Accordingly sodomy, gay marriage, lesbian and pre-marriage intercourse are not human rights. They are rather serious offence to be handled harshly.
Rights and duties are correlated. Every right has a corresponding duty. Rights without are like men without shadows. They exist in fairy tale stories. However, every citizen of the country should be conscious of his duties to the state.
Ameer Hamzah
