Readers’ Forum


Trump, The US
Pied Piper

I hope many people know the story of ‘ pied piper of Hamelin’, how children followed him and it was a disaster.
Now we are watching with dismay how the followers of President Trump are giving importance to his words, not wearing masks, not keeping physical distance, taking the deadly disease lightly. It seems that Trump is more interested in his re-election bid ,not caring about the coronavirus ,huge number of people dying and about soaring cases with no sign of abating. He talks about it lightly as if it is a matter of no importance. What an unfortunate situation.

Nur Jahan


Did Islam Support Slavery?

There is a misconception among a section of people of all religions that Islam supported the slavery system in its early stage. We are often questioned to clarify the actual position of Islam. In this regard, I take an opportunity to say something.
Verse No. 32 of Sura Noor says, “Marry those of you who are single and those of male slaves and those of female slaves who are fit.” The next verse has said, ” Do not force the female slaves to prostitution.” The parts of the two verses surely clarify what did Islam suggest.
The Prophet Muhammad (Sm) said repeatedly, ” Feed the hungry, attend to the sick and release the prisoners.” Every one of the present world knows who are war prisoners. As they are not treated with justice in many cases, the Prophet ordered to release them. In his last Hajj sermon, the Prophet advised those of his people who were present and those who were not present to treat the males and female servants equally in all respects. In case of doing any wrong by them, the Prophet warned against doing injustice while holding trial.
I think, those who are in confusion, they are cleared.

Ameer Hamzah
