Readers’ Forum


Oxygen Scarcity In Hospitals

Artificial oxygen supplying for the Covid-19 patients is used to make ease from shortness of breath. In addition, artificial oxygen has become on the basis of urgent for other severe patients also. But unfortunately, this urgent element is going beyond the reach for the most due to mismanagement and short supplying in hospitals.
According to the news report, the price of oxygen is becoming sky high in the hospitals of the country, too. But we have heard to have claimed that there’s no shortness of oxygen in the hospitals. And there is no scope to talking about short supply of oxygen in hospitals. If it is, the question is now arising: why are the price and demand of oxygen increasing when these patients are in need of? Does it not represent the shortness of oxygen in the hospitals and public demand? Utilizing this opportunity of oxygen shortness, an avaricious group of people are launching a profitable business where these people are selling oxygen cylinder at a skyrocketing price. And many a people are stocking the oxygen being panicked into buying at a skyrocketing price. Since oxygen is a combustible substance, this tendency can be dangerous for them not knowing how to use it. This situation will become completely in a dire predicament if the diligence monitoring system is not taken right now.
In this circumstance, the government must lunch a diligence monitoring system at the markets so that anyone cannot stock the oxygen cylinder at their home. If anyone found in stocking and buying oxygen cylinder, they must be held in fining with exemplary punishment.

Abul Khaer
Email:[email protected]


Get Rid Of Rape Culture

The incidence of rape is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. The events of Purnima, Tanu, Hira Moni are etched in people’s minds. But in order to prevent such heinous incidents, we want proper enforcement of law. Without the rule of law, one cannot get rid of a disorder called rape. Besides, we have to practice our own culture and be free from the influence of foreign culture. Obscenity should be avoided in movies or dramas, otherwise rape will be increased. So, if we want to stop rape, we need enforcement of law and obscenity free society.

Ikbal Hassan
Student, Comilla University
