Readers’ Forum


Tough Measures Needed To Control Situation In Bangladesh
It seems that Bangladesh is gradually turning into one of the badly hit countries in the planet. As our population density is higher, so are the risks of getting infected. Many seem to be ignorant about the seriousness of the fatal virus and are roaming around carelessly, despite the government’s effort to contain the pandemic. There is no way but to enforce tough measures to bring the situation under control.
Same situation was seen in Malaysia where I live when the news first broke. However, implementing strict lockdown measures have proven to be rather beneficial. I believe a tight lockdown is necessary since many are disregarding the general holidays in Bangladesh. There should not be given any chance to anyone to go outside unless it is an emergency. For the poor and homeless, the government should do everything to ensure alternative arrangements for them. In fact, our safety lies in staying indoors at all times. We must take it seriously now. Otherwise, the number of infected people and the death toll will increase.

Noman Zahangir
Kuala Lampur
