Readers’ Forum


Please be kind to nature

Human beings have been abusing the nature for so long in so many ways that we have to suffer in some ways or other. To have power, to become rich, making weapons and using it indiscriminately has become the norm and we are suffering from its harmful effects.
Now the abuse has passed the limit and nature is taking its revenge in a drastic way, the whole world is cowering with fear not knowing how to cope the vengeance.
In the last few months when countries are being lockeddown in fear of spreading coronavirus, changes in the nature could be seen, in the pollution-free air many flowers which did not bloom in the past have started to bloom, we are hearing songs of birds which we did not hear before.
I heard that dolphins are frolicking in the water of the sea in Cox’s Bazar, how amazing!
My earnest request to the world, please do not destroy the nature for your personal gain because if you ignore it, the day will come when you will be unable to do anything to redress it.

Nur Jahan
