Readers’ Forum


Save The Earth
Recently Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist along with kids and adults from 150 countries lead a strike to protest government and business inaction on climate change. After Greta’s massive strike, the world leader has started rethink about alarming climate change.
Due to Climate change, the oceans and altering their chemistry are changing so dramatically that it is threatening seafood supplies, fueling, cyclones and floods and posing profound risks to the hundreds of millions of people living along the coasts.
More than a century and a half of industrialisation, deforestation, quantities of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen to record levels not seen in three million years. So the world is now in great danger.
Global warming, melting arctic ice, rising sea levels, wildfire are some of the results of climate change. Industrially riches Country like China, USA, UK are greatly responsible for manmade climate change.
Bangladesh is one the sufferer country of global warming. So it’s time to come forward like Greta Thunberg to save the world from climate change.
Amdadul H Sarker
Cumilla University
