Readers’ Forum


The gloomy picture of moral erosion
The whole county is in a forlorn state with our spate of tragic events. There is no respite given our outbreak of dengue, incidences of sexual violence every other day, the increasing audacity of criminals and our overall moral erosion.
Recently, a motorbike rider was stabbed by a mugger pretending to be a pillion passenger just so he could steal the victim’s bike. The ease with which malefactors nowadays exploit unsuspecting individuals and disregard the role of law enforcers goes to show how they do not even take into account the consequences of their action. Perhaps, because there would not be any.

Ride sharing services employ people who come from lower tiers of the economic pyramid and who have to support their families. For instance, in this case, a family of three was dependent on the victim, who struggled till the last minute to survive. While the police have started their investigation-with the bike still missing-only time will tell if the perpetrator will ever be brought to justice.
It is hard to boast about our prosperity when it is being accompanied by such increasing crime rates. We should strive to build a society that would not allow criminals to be this daring and dismissive towards our law and order.

Nur Jahan
