Readers’ Forum


Floating Bed Devices To Grow Seedbeds In Flood-Prone Areas
In Bangladesh flood is a regular phenomenon. Some years only low-lying areas inundate, some yeas low and mid high areas inundate and after long years half of areas inundate by flood water come from India by common rivers and have downpour in short span of time.

The crops, vegetables and seedbeds submerge under flood water and got damaged. Flood cause immense sufferings to flood-affected people. Farmers living sources, such as crops, vegetable fields and seedbeds for next cultivation got damaged. Floating beds on water bodies have been used by farmers in South-West region of Bangladesh for growing vegetables as they do not have enough high lands. Floating beds are also suitable for seedbeds. This floating bed device should be practiced throughout Bangladesh, especially in flood-prone areas. When farmers will prepare floating seedbeds for seedlings in every season they will not confront with shortage of seedlings at usual time as well as after flood.
I like to urge Bureau of Agriculture Extension to spread floating bed devices to grow seedlings on floating beds in all regions of Bangladesh giving priority to river bank and low-lying areas.

Md Ashraf Hossain
120, Central Bashabo
