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Social Media is Increasing Mobile Phone Addiction
Mobile phone in this era is the most necessary thing in the world. We can’t think of going a single day without it. Of course it’s useful for communication and other stuffs. But it’s useful when is in control and limitation. Nowadays we are fully dependant on mobile phone. We stare at many times on phone in a day.
Young generation is the best example of mobile phone addiction. All social media is available on mobile phone. They check every time whether comes a notification. They browse facebook, whatsapp, instagram, messenger, etc for recreation and communication. But they use more than need. They waste their time in all of stuffs. They misuse it, sometimes do obscene grossness etc. Student’s life is spoiled for it.
Young generation is becoming unproductive for staying more than necessity in social media. They are losing their memory power, thinking power. They are wasting their time in virtual life. They are not doing anything in real life. They got addicted to social media and mobile phone.
Without social media, phone is not interesting. Social media is making phone interested. So to prevent the mobile phone addiction we need to first prevent social media. Social media using must be controlled in young generation. They need to be addressed in real life more than virtual life. Social media is good but its over use is bad.
Dr Zafar Iqbal said: it’s good to use facebook
But it needs to be in mind that if the facebook could not use us.

Hasan Tasnim Shaon
University of Dhaka
