Readers’ Forum


Overall quality change needed
Is private university operations is an impractical idea? Doesn’t it benefit anyone — not students, not teachers, not the overall state of education? Though the private universities are already subject to government monitoring, these questions are frequently raised by different quarters.
A section of people say that private universities are not the problem; rather they are part of the solution to a problem created largely by public universities. I do agree with it, but party. There are opposite side also. Most of the private universities have no permanent campus and they run their education business in rented houses which are too congested. That means educational facilities are not adequate there.
Another thing I think very problematic for our society that is high tuition fee. It is too tough for many of us to bear the expense. In this regard, I suggest the Education Ministry to take initiative to bring an overall quality change in the private university operation.
Mohammad Belayet Hossain Shiply
Riyadh, KSA
