Readers’ Forum


Refusing pathological tests at Mugda govt hospital

On 7 March I went to Mugda government hospital at around 9:00am to get some pathological tests. After waiting in Queue for about half an hour I submitted my prescription to the employee who was receiving money against pathological tests. My prescription was given by a qualified doctor who did not work in Mugda hospital. The hospital employee informed me verbally that they only perform the tests prescribed by doctors of Mugda hospital. They did not perform tests that suggested by doctors not enrolled with the Mugda hospital. I become surprised. Government has constructed a 500 bed general hospital for serving patients. How Mugda hospital can refuse to perform pathological test suggested by other doctors even when the patient was ready to pay authority for pathological charges?
I like to urge the authority of Mugda government hospital to review the matter and arrange available tests ask by any patient on payment of charges fixed by authority.

Md Ashraf Hossain
120 Bashabo, Dhaka-1214
