Readers’ Forum


Implement new law to encourage BCSIR scientists

Nearly six months back, the government passed a new law under the title “Bangladesh Biggan O Shilpo Gobeshona Porishod Ain 2013” by making the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Ordinance 1978 (Ord. No.V of 1978) defunct. In the new law, a number of provisions for the betterment of research and researchers have been incorporated which include raising of retirement age of outstanding scientists to 67 years. But till now the law has not been implemented due to non-formulation of the criteria for assessing the eligibility of scientists to award benefits under the new law. It is known that the BCSIR authority has made a draft criteria which is yet to get approval of the higher authority. Due to delay in the implementation of the new law, a number of deserving scientists have been sent to LPR.
It is sincerely hoped that the new law will soon be implemented to encourage the really deserving scientists of the BCSIR to continue their research work with full dedication in the interest of the country.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
SAU, Dhaka
