Readers’ Forum


Violence against women

One of my daughters was telling me that she would not read the newspaper anymore because she had been tired of reading the stories about violence against women. She said, “How could it be that the offenders would fly at large in the society?” I said, I can explain you the prime reasons of violence. Will you give patient hearing to what I say? She said, “Continue.”
The first one is ignorance about women’s position in a family, the society and the state. Allah has made dowry lawful for the bride to be paid by the bridegroom. But in the society, the practice is quite opposite, which is liable to suffer punishment. The second reason is greed of the male members of the society. They do not want to give their women their shares, violating Divine law.
The Prophet Muhammad (Sm) has banned beating of women by their husbands. But unfortunately, very few obey the Prophet. Actually the remedy is the wisdom. If we read the Quran with meaning, fear about the consequence of evils will grow. In this regard, both families and the state should take care.
