Readers’ Forum

Improve cab, auto-rickshaw service :
The regular refusal by cab and CNG-run auto-rickshaw drivers to drop customers off at their desired destination and to charge them appropriately and according to the taximeter has been a serious issue in most cities across Bangladesh. Strict laws have been enacted, but with little impact and customers continue to suffer as a result.
However, I would also like to highlight that not all cab drivers are devoid of moral ethics and have often extended exemplary services to many customers in need of help and immediate support. The problem that I highlighted is a unique South Asian phenomenon that ordinary citizens have encountered for decades.
The Bangladesh government must take proper action to solve this problem. To allow positive changes to take place, the administration also needs to provide security to cab drivers as well as protect them from exploitation by the police and others. I sincerely believe that both sides have a role to play here in order to bring about the necessary changes.
Saikat Kumar Basu