Readers’ Forum


Stay committed too

There are achievements, recognitions and several areas of weaknesses – but what can I do to reduce my stress, as my focus is on the health aspect?
We are just a few days away from bidding farewell to 2018, and it’s time again for making resolutions. I am trying to figure out what resolution I can propose for the year ahead. When I happened to listen to a television programme about new year resolutions, I realised how people invest time and money on it. The anchor was frequently saying, “Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.” Absolutely!
There are achievements, recognitions and several areas of weaknesses – but what can I do to reduce my stress, as my focus is on the health aspect?
A few things that come to mind are associated with health discipline, which I feel should be given the top priority. But do we really need to wait for the new year to seriously think about our health?
Sometime back, a colleague told me about the habit of smoking which he stopped as part of his new year resolutions. Later, during a staff gathering he conveniently ignored his oath. An-other colleague, who often indulged in binge eating, said he would mind his eating habits. However, those resolutions were just a show in front of friends and colleagues and never really materialised. This is the reality of resolutions. It is fashionable to have resolutions, but only a few tend to stick to it and make good of their promises.
For me, I want to learn something new on this occasion, whether it is in my career or personal life; it is not part of any resolutions as such, but a commitment to myself. I want to read and write more. And also continue listening to public speeches, debates from newsrooms, awesome music treats – all that inspires me.

Ramachandran Nair
Muscat, Oman
