Readers’ Forum

Let the election usher in success :
The date for the next general election has been fixed, it will be held on December 30, 2018. But I do not know why I am not feeling very enthusiastic rather feeling uneasy not knowing what is going to happen. Is it because the election of 2014 is still vivid in our minds? We are feeling just like ‘Ghor Pora Goru’ who become afraid when they see red clouds.
People are not happy with the Election Commissions decision to use EVM, they are protesting and urging to discard the plan but it seems that the Chief Election Commissioner is adamant to use it. But for God’s sake, why?
We do not think a congenial atmosphere has been created for a free, fair and acceptable election. Those who are in power must earn people’s trust through their activities, which are sincere, and people will not feel betrayed. We hope and trust that they will not forget the sanctity of their duty. May Al-Mighty Allah help us in this difficult time.

Nur Jahan
