Readers’ Forum


God bless 41st US President
An American hero has left us, but we are a better nation because he walked among us with dignity for 94 years. The death of George H.W. Bush, affectionately called Bush 41, after months of declining health follows less than a year after the passing of his beloved life partner, Barbara.
Bush 41 served this nation for almost his entire life, as a military hero, a director of the C.I.A., an ambassador, a vice president and finally as the 41st president of the United States. Mr. Bush was our president when the Berlin Wall came down, and when the Soviet Union dissolved. Under his leadership a coalition of nations was formed that led to the defeat of Saddam Hussein after he invaded Kuwait.
Despite his many successes, Bush 41 was the last American president to serve only one term, as his breaking the pledge of “read my lips, no new taxes” angered Democrats and Republicans alike and led to his defeat at the hands of Bill Clinton in 1992.
George Herbert Walker Bush was respected here at home and around the world. He saw America as that shining city on a hill that Ronald Reagan evoked, and was famous for his “thousand points of light” speech.
Bush 41 was the true model of what an American president should be: compassionate, respectful, fair-minded, a uniting force and a true believer in democratic principles and the Constitution. In short, President 41 was everything the current occupant of the Oval Office is not.

Henry A. Lowenstein
New York
