Readers’ Forum


English medium schools ignore new law

It is heartening to know that the government has realised the need to put the fast-growing English medium school business in its leash and recently the cabinet has approved new laws which bars English medium schools from taking fees above a certain limit based on their grading.
It is a welcome relief for us – students and their parents, who have often struggled to pay the monthly fees which often soar to more than 15,000 taka a month.
 However, a well-reputed English medium school in Uttara has recently increased its fees to almost taka 20000 (for A Levels) after the new law was approved.
 It is not just one school, many schools in their fee structure for 2014-2015 have violated the new law. If the government fails to implement those laws properly, people may lose respect for the laws.
I would like to request the Education Minister to take initiatives against these malpractices and take severe action on those found violating the laws.

A Learner
