Readers’ Forum


Abuse of substance

Marijuana (‘ganja’ in Bengali) is a mind-altering drug, the use of which is illegal in most countries of the world. Marijuana is a mix of dried flowers, leaves and stems from the hemp plant (cannabis sativa). The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which puts the user in euphoria, hallucinations and paranoia. In the US, it’s one of the most used illegal drugs. However recreational use of marijuana has been made legal in some places including Colorado and Washington. Recreational marijuana contains low dose of THC.
Recently a move to withdraw the federal ban on marijuana has got momentum. A recent New York Times editorial has given a boost to the move. It has come to the collective opinion that it’s time to do away with the federal prohibition on pot. Now the question arises whether it would be an appropriate decision to legalise marijuana. Any mind-altering and stimulating drug if taken in low doses can ultimately make users dependent on it or turn them into addicts. Use of marijuana can cause a number of health disorders including loss of coordination, accelerated pulse rate, respiratory problem, anxiety, etc.
I strongly feel that before making marijuana legal under the label of recreational use, serious thoughts should be given on the matter. Such legalisation would not only negatively influence the young Americans, but also the younger people of other countries.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
SAU, Dhaka
