Readers’ Forum


Elementary religious teaching

We are Muslims and want to die as Muslims. Allah says in Verse 102, Surah Al Imran, “O you who believe! Fear Allah (by doing all that He has ordered and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden) as He should be feared. [Obey Him, be thankful to Him, and remember Him always], and die not except in a state of Islam (as Muslims) with complete submission to Allah.
And one of the signs of a true Muslim is that he must know how to recite from the Quran and its interpretation. Madrasa teachers teach our children how to recite the Quran with correct pronunciation, but not mischief and hatred because that is not the principle of Islam. Verse 78, Surah Bani Israel instructs us to perform Namaj and to recite the Quran.. The text is: Establish Namaj from the declining of the sun to the darkness of the night, and be particular about the recital of the Qur’an at dawn, for the recital of the Qur’an at the dawn is witnessed.
Madrasa is also the home of learning. It teaches students how to perform Namaj, to fast during the Ramadan, to perform Hajj in Mecca, and to serve the needy and the distress as well and to take care of parents in their old days. It has also special branch for those who search for relations between Man and Allah, Man and Man, Allah and Angels, Allah and Jibreel, Man and Angels, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (SM), Jibreel and the Prophet Muhammad (SM), Jibreel and Angels and Angels and Jinn
Therefore, Madrasa education is imperative for the believers.

Abdul Hakim Sarker
