Readers’ Forum


An appreciation

I am of the opinion that Education Minister Nural Islam Nahid, MP is doing an excellent job under the given circumstances. It must be extremely difficult to teach when some teachers fall short of even being adequate in teaching and only hold their position thanks to a brown envelope. That must stop.
The report by Sir Frank Peters (New Nation, 26.08.18) in which Sir Frank suggests Bangladesh can learn much from Nigeria, was an enlightening and interesting read. Nigeria is sending all of its teachers for retraining… to learn how to teach properly, acquaint themselves with modern technology, and learn to teach without resorting to corporal punishment.
He observes that the majority of prime ministers, presidents and politicians voice the hackneyed expression, “the children are out future”, but it generally stops at that point, nothing is done to prepare them and secure the future., but the jingle sounds good.
If there’s one investment Bangladesh needs to make, it is in their children and to emulate what Nigeria is doing for theirs is a great start.
The sooner Bangladesh becomes sincere about protecting its future, via the children, the better.
Dr. Feroz Alan
