Readers’ Forum


Save the mankind from hunger

Iran has no nuclear bomb. It has just peaceful nuclear enrichment programme. Yet, the three of the five nuclear powers are unhappy with the Tehran government. Not only that the USA has imposed economic sanctions on Iran in order to cripple the country’s economy.
Contrarily, Israel has more than 100 atom bombs, capable to destroy the Middle East. But that does not worry the five nuclear powers. Interestingly, several Gulf countries have supported Israel’s right to survive. I agree with the point. But that does not mean that the Muslims shall be eliminated from Israel-their homeland.
Blood profusely streams in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, nevertheless the UNO is unable to stop it, while the arms traders are selling their arms randomly. There is none to stop it. Still, we urge the USA and Russia to take joint initiative to save the mankind from hunger and war.

Peter Rozario
