Readers’ Forum


Environmental resources are not infinite

Environmental resources can be defined as elements of the human environment and include both natural and built resources. Three major categories of resources are socioeconomic, cultural and natural.
The world is heading for an “ecological credit crunch” far worse than the current financial crisis because humans are over-using the natural resources of the planet.
The Living Planet report calculates that humans are using 30% more resources than the Earth can replenish each year, which is leading to deforestation, degraded soils, polluted air and water, and dramatic declines in numbers of fish and other species.
The problem is also getting worse as populations and consumption keep growing faster than technology finds new ways of expanding what can be produced from the natural world.
We have only one planet. Its capacity to support a thriving diversity of species, humans included, is large but fundamentally limited. When human demand on this capacity exceeds what is available – when we surpass ecological limits – we erode the health of the Earth’s living systems. Ultimately this loss threatens human well-being. Reducing the use of natural resources is key to preserving the earth’s climate and mitigating the problems of climate change. Fortunately, a little bit of education on the use of natural resources can go a long way in helping people reduce their use. Reducing the use of a variety of natural resources: trees, fuels and water can have a big impact on the overall sustainability of the earth’s ecosystem.
People use natural resources and the people reading this can take steps to reduce their use. Eliminate leaks from faucets and hoses to conserve water and energy. Walking or biking rather than driving reduces your use of fossil fuels. Support the groups in your area, or nationally, that work on conserving natural resources, either through participation, financial support, lobbying or other means of involvement.
Mohiel Mumit Sraban
East West University
